Investigating the Impact of Tax on Bank Transactions on Equity, Company Products and Industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD candidate in Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD candidate in Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of tax on bank transactions on equity, company and industry products.Due to the high level of dissatisfaction with the implementation of some financial and tax laws in the country, it is necessary to simplify the complexity of the current tax system. Therefore, simplifying the complexity of the tax system requires the amendment of some tax laws and regulations. The major issues in reforming these rules and regulations are simplifying the complexity of the current tax system, reducing tax expense and imposing a single-rate tax on bank transactions. This research was conducted in Tehran Stock Exchange companies. Since financial statements do not have statistical data for research variables, especially independent variables, a questionnaire was used to collect the research data. The questionnaire was designed for 60 shareholders, managers and experts selected by random sampling method. Data analysis was performed by structural equations (SEM). The results showed that the simplification of complexity in the banking tax system, the reduction of the cost of tax on bank transactions and the application of single-rate taxation on bank transactions affect the equity, company's products, and industry output, and this effect is high in all of the above cases.
